Management Team

The Guiding Force: Meet Our Esteemed Management Team
Lallan Tiwari

‘Transformation through Education’ builds a nation’s capacity to achieve intellectual growth and sustainable development. With an aim to strive towards excellence in delivering 360º Quality education, and our motto ‘Lead the Way’ with the logo of a lighted torch, represents our renewed and everlasting commitment to spread the light of knowledge in the lives of students. We insist on the ‘Quality factor’ for creating a bench-mark, thus preparing them to face the ever-increasing challenges of the competitive world.

In the crucial years of growth, it is necessary to tap a child’s maximum potential. The youth of today are with no doubt, the forerunners and leaders of tomorrow. We strongly believe in this and continue to nurture students into becoming independent and skilled citizens who can offer great contributions to society through profound intellect and strong expertise. Since education is the key, to fight against all odds, we offer the gift of education to each child with no barrier, thus enlightening young minds in a harmonious environment.

Kanta Devi
Rahul Tiwari

With ever-evolving technology being an inevitable force for sustenance and success in the modern world, we are constantly striving to provide the best infrastructure with smart systems for an effective teaching-learning process that suits global standards. Highly qualified and skilled staff are the keyholders to unlock each child’s personality and help them evolve into a competitive individual, retaining ethical values and culture. With clear emphasis on continuous and inclusive education, activities at all levels promote all round development of every individual involved. On a personal note, I welcome you all to be a part of this ‘Institute with a Difference’.

Continuity in education is one of the major concerns our country faces, and we ensure that each child is moulded into a skilled human being with essential values for positive progress. With a vision to provide quality education in every domain, our students are constantly encouraged to optimize their chance of entering the field of their choice. Since our humble beginning in this vast journey of education, we, as the Management, have been relentless in our approach towards nurturing and supporting talent from KG to PG. We firmly believe that each individual is unique and we provide utmost care for their intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual development.

Krishna Tiwari

Dear students,
I am delighted to welcome you to our law college website. As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the college, I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to all the students. Our law college is committed to providing you with an exceptional learning experience that will prepare you for a successful career in the legal profession. We have a team of experienced faculty members who are passionate about teaching and dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals.
We offer a wide range of law programs that are designed to meet the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and interests. Our curriculum is updated regularly to ensure that it is relevant and aligned with industry standards. In addition, we provide various opportunities for students to engage in research, internships, and other hands-on learning experiences that will help them to develop the practical skills necessary to succeed in their chosen field.
We believe that education should not only be about academics but also about personal growth and development. Therefore, we encourage our students to participate in extracurricular activities, moot court competitions, and other legal forums that will help them to become well-rounded individuals. Finally, I would like to remind you that your success is our top priority. Our faculty and staff are always available to support and guide you through your academic journey. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for choosing our law college, and we look forward to seeing you thrive and succeed in the legal profession.